Needless to say having a 5 year old and a 2 year old means your always on the go. To be honest I prefer it that way. The sooner I can wear my kids out the better off we all are. Since we moved to Parker County I've been searching high and low trying to find stuff to keep the boys busy outside of our home. Don't get me wrong we love our new home but when we stay home all day the boys end up in time-out for beating up on each other, not sharing, or just the usual sibiling spats that takes place. Therefore, if I take them out of the house they get to explore and see so much more then just the television sitting in my family room. Monday & Wednesday both boys go to Mom's Day Out and on Tuesday just the older one attends. This of course leaves Thursday and Friday. Ahhh! I'm always thinking "What am I going to do with them today?" So this Thursday we headed out to the Fort Worth Museum of Science & History. First on the agenda the Polar Express in the Omni Theater, wow what a great experience! My smallest one was a bit scared at first since it was so loud but, eventually he relaxed. Before Thursday I had never seen The Polar Express, although we have the book we have yet to read it to the boys. Overall, I thought it was great movie that explained exactly how Santa works his wonders on Christmas Eve. We will definitely have to order this one and watch it every holiday season. After the movie we headed out into the museum. First stop was the children's area that included a train station play set, a miniature hospital setting and the boy's favorite, the grocery store. The boys loved filling their minature carts with fresh (plastic) produce and then running it across the belt and scanner. As we left the play grocery store I thought to myself that my youngest could have spent the entire day there. After this we headed to lunch in the cafeteria. The blue jello was a hit and of course, pizza. Finally we headed towards the gift shop which has a great slide for the kids to try out. Our last stop was the outdoor dino dig. The weather was absolutely beautiful that day so I just sat on a bench and watched the boys dig through the sand. They had an amazing time. I think this is my favorite part because I just sat there and watched them from a distance and realized how eager they are to learn. Their minds never stop along with their little hands. Final note, the museum was a wonderful hands on experience. I feel so lucky to live so close that we can go to the museum whenever we want. Mission accomplished, another day filled with new adventures and fun! Have a great one!
Parker County Mama