Do you have a pet living in your home or just an outdoor pet that your child plays with on a daily basis? Parker County Mama Rebecca Walker owns Lucky Paws Housecalls...Rebecca is a mobile small animal veterinarian serving Aledo, Weatherford, west Fort Worth and surrounding towns. She has some great tips on how to keep your kids safe from parasites that family pets can carry.
. Hookworms and roundworms can be harbored by your dog or cat and transmitted to children. It is thought that 30% to 50% of dogs and cats carry gastrointestinal (GI) parasites. Dogs get infected with hookworms and roundworms by walking places where other dogs have defecated. The eggs and larvae end up on your dog’s feet then your dog licks his feet and infects him or herself with these GI parasites. If your dog licks his anus and then licks your child, or if your child pets your dog then puts his/her hands in her mouth, he or she can become infected with these parasites.
• Dogs can get ticks that spread lyme disease, anaplasmosis, rocky mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, and tularemia, which can affect people if the ticks detach from the dog and attach themselves to your child.
• Cats get infected with hookworms and tapeworms by hunting prey. Even if your cat lives indoors, the ingestion of one house mouse can expose your cat to GI parasites. Cats with a flea infestation can also spread cat scratch fever to children.
How Can You Prevent the Risk of Spreading Parasites to Your Children?
• Keep your dog on monthly heartworm preventative all year. This medication helps to prevent hookworms and roundworms in your dog. In addition, keep your dog on topical flea and tick control all year.
• Scoop the yard where your dog defecates at least weekly, ideally daily, as worm eggs and larvae found in stool can contaminate the environment.
• Have your veterinarian perform a fecal analysis on your pet’s stool at least once per year. This ensures that the preventatives have effectively protected your pets.
• Keep your cat on heartworm/flea prevention year round. This medication eliminates hookworms that could be potentially spread to humans in the household. It also kills fleas, which can be culprits in spreading cat scratch disease (cat scratch fever).
• Teach your children to wash their hands before eating, especially if they have recently handled their pet.
Lastly, don’t forget about Rabies. In Parker County, it is required by law that pets be vaccinated for Rabies once per year. Keep your veterinarian issued rabies tag on your pets collar and save the vaccine certificate in a safe spot.
Give me a call if you have any questions or need to get caught up on the above recommendations. Lucky Paws Housecalls can come out to your home or you can come see us this Saturday July 16th at Tractor Supply in Weatherford for our LOW COST CLINIC.
Thank you Rebecca Walker for sharing your insight and valuable knowledge about caring for our pets and keeping our kids safe!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
10 Ways To Lower Your Electric Bill
It's summer time in Texas and that means one's HOT! I thought a post about the top 10 ways to lower your utility rates. When doing research it made me realize a couple things that I can be doing as well.
Set Your Air Conditioner For 78 Degrees or Higher
If you are someone who loves the house at 70 degrees, you may want to rethink that idea during the summer months. Since an air conditioner cools at the same rate no matter the setting, think about how much more energy you’re using to cool it down to 70 degrees especially when it is reaching the upper 90’s outside. With that being said, the “industry recommended” minimum temperature is 78 degrees during the summer months. By sticking to these guidelines, you’ll stay cool (enough) and will help maximize your energy savings.
Programmable Thermostat
According to the website, you can save about $180 annually by using a programmable thermostat (Note: this figure only applies if using the thermostat correctly). Programming temperature changes throughout the day will allow you to maximize the usage of an air conditioner to coincide with the outside conditions (night vs. day). It will also help you by automatically adjusting the temperature up when you are away at work or school (no sense in cooling an empty house for 8+ hours a day). If you are forgetful like me, this tool is an easy way to automate your savings. Just don’t forget to change the programming for each season!
Air Conditioner Maintenance/Filters
Proper maintenance of your air conditioning can ensure that your system will operate at its optimal efficiency level. The more efficiently it runs the less energy/money you waste. The best time to maintain your system is in the winter or spring, before the heavy usage of the summer. You might even get a better deal this time of year since the a/c repair guys aren’t as busy. Proper maintenance can also prevent many small problems from becoming big, expensive ones later. In addition, change your air filters monthly. A dirty air filter can cost you money because it blocks the air flow, causing your unit to work harder to push cool air through your home. A clean air filter will save you money on energy costs and prolong the life of your air conditioner.
Start Grilling
With your a/c working overtime to cool the house down just from the heat outside, why add even more heat in the kitchen? There are two easy suggestions. First, use a crockpot or toaster oven instead of the oven or stove. They use less energy and they don’t pump as much heat into the kitchen. Second, since it’s a little cooler in the evenings get outside and grill. In addition to energy savings, grilling is also a healthier and quicker way to eat – it’s a win-win!
Ceiling Fans
Fans are an efficient way to make a room comfortable without having to lower the temperature. The air circulation they provide evaporates moisture on your skin, causing you to feel cooler. The combination of fan use and prudent management of your a/c settings will result in overall energy savings. If you do not have ceiling fans, they can be easily installed in any room with an overhead light. You can pick them out at your local Home Depot or Lowes for less than $100 (or more if you want a fancy one).
Use Shades/Blinds
One way to cool your house is by not letting the heat in. Shades and/or blinds provide a great barrier to the outside heat, and not require any electricity usage. If you currently have shades in your home then during the day, remember to keep them closed, especially when the sun is beating down in the afternoon. If you do not have shades or blinds in your home, they can get pretty expensive, so at least try to cover the windows that get the most sun exposure. Another option is solar screens, which block out 90% of the UV rays while still allowing you to see out your windows.
Plant Shrubs/Shrubs
Another way to save on energy costs is to create shade around your home by planting trees or shrubs. It is best to plant them near windows and on the sunnier side of your home. Just be sure to plant them at least one foot away from your home’s wall and from any full grown plants. In addition to planting them around your home, you can also save money by planting them around your air conditioning units. A shaded unit can actually improve its efficiency by as much as 10% compared to a unit in direct sun. Just be sure not to plant too close to where they can block the unit’s airflow.
Seal Up Your Home
Your home could be losing electricity through air leaks in doors or windows and through bad insulation. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save as much as 30% of energy usage through proper insulation and air sealing. That could be a nice savings off your bill, especially during the hot summer months! In order to see if your home is losing electricity, you should conduct a home energy audit. This is something you can do yourself or you can hire someone to do this for you. If you choose to do the audit yourself, then you may want to check out Do It Yourself Home Energy Assessments. There is information that can help guide you through your own energy assessment.
Change Laundry Habits
First, wash clothes in cold water. It will save on the energy required to create more hot water. Another idea is to dry your clothes at night. When drying your clothes during the day, the dryer exhaust heats up the house, which in turn causes your air-conditioner to run more. By operating your dryer at night, the house won’t heat up as much and you save on your cooling bill.
Switch to a Lower Electric Rate
The easiest way to lower your electric bill is by switching to a lower electric rates. Since the Texas electricity market has become deregulated, many companies are able to offer competitive pricing for consumers. When you’re shopping for a lower electric rate, decide if you want to power your home with a fixed or month-to-month energy plan. A fixed plan will enable customers to lock down a low rate for a fixed term while a month-to-month plan gives customers the ability to take advantage of energy rates as they drop.
Written By Alicia Snowden Brunson
A local Parker County Mama Realtor
You can check out here website @ or her blog
Set Your Air Conditioner For 78 Degrees or Higher
If you are someone who loves the house at 70 degrees, you may want to rethink that idea during the summer months. Since an air conditioner cools at the same rate no matter the setting, think about how much more energy you’re using to cool it down to 70 degrees especially when it is reaching the upper 90’s outside. With that being said, the “industry recommended” minimum temperature is 78 degrees during the summer months. By sticking to these guidelines, you’ll stay cool (enough) and will help maximize your energy savings.
Programmable Thermostat
According to the website, you can save about $180 annually by using a programmable thermostat (Note: this figure only applies if using the thermostat correctly). Programming temperature changes throughout the day will allow you to maximize the usage of an air conditioner to coincide with the outside conditions (night vs. day). It will also help you by automatically adjusting the temperature up when you are away at work or school (no sense in cooling an empty house for 8+ hours a day). If you are forgetful like me, this tool is an easy way to automate your savings. Just don’t forget to change the programming for each season!
Air Conditioner Maintenance/Filters
Proper maintenance of your air conditioning can ensure that your system will operate at its optimal efficiency level. The more efficiently it runs the less energy/money you waste. The best time to maintain your system is in the winter or spring, before the heavy usage of the summer. You might even get a better deal this time of year since the a/c repair guys aren’t as busy. Proper maintenance can also prevent many small problems from becoming big, expensive ones later. In addition, change your air filters monthly. A dirty air filter can cost you money because it blocks the air flow, causing your unit to work harder to push cool air through your home. A clean air filter will save you money on energy costs and prolong the life of your air conditioner.
Start Grilling
With your a/c working overtime to cool the house down just from the heat outside, why add even more heat in the kitchen? There are two easy suggestions. First, use a crockpot or toaster oven instead of the oven or stove. They use less energy and they don’t pump as much heat into the kitchen. Second, since it’s a little cooler in the evenings get outside and grill. In addition to energy savings, grilling is also a healthier and quicker way to eat – it’s a win-win!
Ceiling Fans
Fans are an efficient way to make a room comfortable without having to lower the temperature. The air circulation they provide evaporates moisture on your skin, causing you to feel cooler. The combination of fan use and prudent management of your a/c settings will result in overall energy savings. If you do not have ceiling fans, they can be easily installed in any room with an overhead light. You can pick them out at your local Home Depot or Lowes for less than $100 (or more if you want a fancy one).
Use Shades/Blinds
One way to cool your house is by not letting the heat in. Shades and/or blinds provide a great barrier to the outside heat, and not require any electricity usage. If you currently have shades in your home then during the day, remember to keep them closed, especially when the sun is beating down in the afternoon. If you do not have shades or blinds in your home, they can get pretty expensive, so at least try to cover the windows that get the most sun exposure. Another option is solar screens, which block out 90% of the UV rays while still allowing you to see out your windows.
Plant Shrubs/Shrubs
Another way to save on energy costs is to create shade around your home by planting trees or shrubs. It is best to plant them near windows and on the sunnier side of your home. Just be sure to plant them at least one foot away from your home’s wall and from any full grown plants. In addition to planting them around your home, you can also save money by planting them around your air conditioning units. A shaded unit can actually improve its efficiency by as much as 10% compared to a unit in direct sun. Just be sure not to plant too close to where they can block the unit’s airflow.
Seal Up Your Home
Your home could be losing electricity through air leaks in doors or windows and through bad insulation. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save as much as 30% of energy usage through proper insulation and air sealing. That could be a nice savings off your bill, especially during the hot summer months! In order to see if your home is losing electricity, you should conduct a home energy audit. This is something you can do yourself or you can hire someone to do this for you. If you choose to do the audit yourself, then you may want to check out Do It Yourself Home Energy Assessments. There is information that can help guide you through your own energy assessment.
Change Laundry Habits
First, wash clothes in cold water. It will save on the energy required to create more hot water. Another idea is to dry your clothes at night. When drying your clothes during the day, the dryer exhaust heats up the house, which in turn causes your air-conditioner to run more. By operating your dryer at night, the house won’t heat up as much and you save on your cooling bill.
Switch to a Lower Electric Rate
The easiest way to lower your electric bill is by switching to a lower electric rates. Since the Texas electricity market has become deregulated, many companies are able to offer competitive pricing for consumers. When you’re shopping for a lower electric rate, decide if you want to power your home with a fixed or month-to-month energy plan. A fixed plan will enable customers to lock down a low rate for a fixed term while a month-to-month plan gives customers the ability to take advantage of energy rates as they drop.
Written By Alicia Snowden Brunson
A local Parker County Mama Realtor
You can check out here website @ or her blog
Friday, July 1, 2011
Photographing Fireworks

Photographing Fireworks
It's Fourth of July Weekend! Are you going out to see a firework display? Maybe you are feeling a little daring and are doing it on your own? Either way, you may want to try and capture those fiery works of art, to scrapbook or even hang as art in your home. Here are some tips for you!
1. Use a tripod.
Since it's dark out, and trying to press the shutter button at just the precise moment is just about impossible, you will need a tripod. A tripod will allow you to leave the shutter of your camera open for longer than an 80th of a second, the recommended slowest aperture on your camera to hand hold and still get a sharp image. Don't have a tripod handy? That's okay. I have used tables and walls before. You just need something to hold your camera steady on.

2. Long Shutter Speed
What does this mean you ask? Well, you will want the shutter to remain open for a longer period of time so you can get that sparkle of the fireworks to show up. Longer shutter lengths will capture more light over a longer period of time. If you camera has a bulb mode, try using that. This allows you to leave the shutter open as long as you have the shutter button depressed. Having a release cable comes in handy with this method, to help prevent camera shake. But don't leave it open too long. Then you will have an overexposed messy looking image that won't be pretty at all. Usually, opening at the time of "fire" and closing just after explosion is all the time you need. The grand finally is much harder to time, so practice those exposures before hand to get a good sense of how the fireworks photograph.

Here, I left the shutter open to get my daughter "writing" with a sparkler.
3. Use a shorter focal length
if you have ever photographed fireworks before, you know how hard it is to predict precisely where they are going to explode. Using a shorter focal length will allow you to capture more of the sky, and not miss the beautiful fireworks. Once you have had some experience getting the shot with fireworks in it, try experimenting with a longer focal length. This is especially fun if you have a zoom lens. :)
4. Use a lower ISO
ISO refers to film speed, or how fast the film can capture the image, but we still use it today in the digital era. It is better to use a slower ISO, one around 200 or smaller, to get clean shots, ones without any digital "noise".

5. Turn off your Flash!!
If you put your camera in manual, this won't be an issue for you, since it will only fire if you "tell" it to. If you leave your flash on, it will not illuminate anything, except what is directly in front of you and within a short distance. So, you might be illuminating the smoke of the fireworks too, or someone in front of you.
6. Use Manual mode
This is that letter M on your camera. This allows you to set your aperture (size of the shutter opening), your shutter speed, and your ISO. Also, use manual focus, or your shots may be very blurry since your camera will have trouble focusing in low light.
Most of all, be safe this Fourth of July! Have fun and send in some pictures you took to share!
Pamela Powell is a photographic portrait artist in Parker County Texas. Pamela received her BFA in art-photography from Sam Houston State University and is a member of the Professional Photographers of America.
You can view more of Pamela's fine portrait work by visiting:
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