What to do with the images you say? If you are a scrapbooker, make a scrapbook page or two with journaling. Blog it on your personal blog and share with friends and family. Or make a mini photo album and tuck it away in a time capsule of sorts and take it out again in 10-15 years and compare your life then to how it was now. It would be neat to see if it is more hectic or peaceful.
This is a commitment, and it might be easier to have a point and shoot camera so it is more portable, and yes, the phone on your camera will work too! And let the kids get involved too, if they have their own camera. It would be fun to compare your day you had together to see it through each others eyes.
Here are a few images from my day September 1, 2011:

(my husband does not like to have his picture taken, so that is why he is not in any images! Just so rumors don't start...)
I hope you enjoy this little challenge! Leave a comment here to share your day in the life of... post it to your blog!
Pamela Powell is a photographic portrait artist in Parker County Texas. Pamela received her BFA in art-photography from Sam Houston State University and is a member of the Professional Photographers of America.
You can view more of Pamela's fine portrait work by visiting: http://pamelapowellphotography.com