As a stay at home mom myself we are often tasked with so many responsibilities: cleaning, cooking, tending to the children, laundry, and the list goes on. The sad part is that no one pays Stay At Home Moms a salary for all of their hard work. We learn to budget on single incomes and somehow make it work. Local Parker County Mama Ashli Smick on the other hand decided that she still wanted to be a Stay At Home Mom and try to use her sewing talent to bring in a small extra income for her family. Ashli uses a great website called "Etsy" to diplay and sell her unique handmade baby gifts. She specializes in baby blankets, adorable onesies with monogramming, bibs, hats and a few other speciality items. Her funky handmade gifts are sold under "Honeydew Moon" on the Esty website. I've personally got the chance to get to meet and know Ashli. She is a wonderful mother of two little boys and has one the way. She is passionate about her family and her designs. The best part is she is a native of Parker County and loves our special community. So if your looking for something different and handmade by one of our own Parker County Mamas you must check out her store on Etsy. http://www.etsy.com/shop/honeydewmoon
Parker County Mama loves sharing stories about other Parker County Mamas. E-mail me @ Parkercountymama@yahoo.com if you want to share a special story about a local mama!
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