
Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Little Searching = A Lot Of Savings

Hello Parker County Mamas. I know for sure that we are all trying to save a little extra money whenever we can. Over the past year I have been trying to save as much as possible by using coupons. Its almost like a competition between me and the specific store I'm shopping at that particular day. I love looking that the end of my receipt to see the total savings. Most of I love to shop and if I can save money I love to shop even more. Here are the few of my strategies I wanted to share with you on how I find the best deals and coupons.

Always get the Sunday Paper. It is usually loaded with 2 or 3 coupon inserts.

You can also go to a brands specific website and they usually offer coupons or promotions on their site. For example here is the Campbells Chunky Soup site or the Kellogg's Cereal site Both of these sites are loaded with coupons.

I also subscribe to a magazine called ALL YOU. Each month they have tons of coupons and recipes in there magazine. The February issue has $79.36 worth of savings coupons. You can also just pull coupons off of their website.

Another smart option is to join a specific stores savings program. For example Brookshires offers a value card. You can earn rewards and extra coupons. I know Kroger, Tom Thumb, SAM's Club, CVS, Walgreeens and other stores offer these types of incentives.

Shopping the ads is a must. Compare prices. I know you might say this takes so much time. Designate 1 hour and I promise it will be worth the savings. Sunday is my coupon clipping day. I search through my paper and keep all the ads to refer back to them over the week.

Shop at Target. Yes Target offers on-line coupons plus you can also use one manufacturer coupon along with their coupon. So I first see whats on sale, search their site and then see if I have any coupons that match up. I love saving double at Target. For example this week if you purchase 3 Huggies Jumbo Packs you earn $5 back. The Sunday paper has a $1.50 off and a $2.00 off coupon. I actually got two inserts so I can use a coupon for each pack to save a total of $5.50. The total cost started at $27.00 for 3 packs. After my coupon savings I'm now down to $21.50 plus I get a $5 gift card reward so my total cost is $16.50 for 3 packs of diapers.

Finally subscribe to specific blogs who do nothing but share information about coupons and deals. My favorite is well besides Parker County Mama.

Finally you can always just type the word "Coupons" in your google search bar and you will be amazed on how much stuff is out there. I challenge you for 2 months to start clipping coupons, use them and then save your receipts. After two months look back and see how much money you saved. You will be amazed and realize that by doing a little searching you will have saved a lot of money.

Happy Savings Parker County Mamas!

Here are few other sites I check frequently: ,

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