
Sunday, January 9, 2011

A New Year Of New Connections

Wow! It is already January 9th. Before you know it summer will be here. Now to back track for a minute Christmas at my house was grand. The in-laws came in like a flash and were gone before we knew it. It was so nice having them around. We don't get to see our family very often so when we do we take full advantage of the extra help. The hubs and I got the chance to sneak away for a night and even go shopping ALONE. Another Wow, yes it was amazing. No screaming kids, no strapping the boys in and out of the car. Just as easy as pie to walk in and out of a store. Now moving ahead, the holidays have come and gone. The boys are finally back in school and I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with myself. As I spend more time developing Parker County Mama I get so excited. Right now its just a blog and a facebook page. I love connecting with other people. I love finding local resources and seeing so many opportunities not only for myself but for the my boys. My ultimate goal is to turn Parker County Mama into a real website. A site where moms feel confident about the daily posts, referrals and resources. I want Parker County Mama to be a one stop shop for local moms. For example "Is their a list of local Mom's Day Out programs?" yes of course jut go to the Parker County Mama site. So now you know what I really want to do but can I actually get it done? You will just have to keep checking back with me. My husband of course wants to know why I can't bring home 6 figures in my spare time. I just laugh and remind him that I have the hardest job in the world and as soon as the government starts paying stay at home moms we will all it hit the jackpot. He quickly adds "I know dear I could never do what you do." Finally I'm sending happy wishes out to all my new connections. I may have not met all of you yet but "Cheers" to a New Year of New Connections in Parker County.

Parker County Mama

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